Recently, Dalgalarrando y Cía. successfully advised Beagle Ventures, a private investment fund, in its investment in Rankmi. Rankmi is a Chilean startup company owner of an assessment software designed to determine the direct contribution of each worker to the company. In 2017, Rankmi had 70 clients, in 2018, more than 100 and today, 200. Rankmi has offices in Chile, Peru and Colombia and its platform (web and app) handles 700,000 users worldwide, including multinational companies. Today Rankmi has customers in more than 15 countries, including France, Australia, England and even India (Falabella).

Rankmi is a human resources management software, focused in human talent. In 2018, Rankmi invoiced US $ 2.3 million and estimates an amount of approx. US $ 5 million this year. One of the company’s next goals is to expand to the Mexican market.